Together For Democracy for democracy Together for Democracy è una vivace community di persone che credono veramente nella democrazia. Entra in contatto con persone che hanno una visione simile in tutta Europa, condividi conoscenze, acquisisci nuove competenze e incoraggia gli altri a impegnarsi nella democrazia europea. Iscriviti ora per partecipare! Insieme per la democrazia

There’s something I want to tell you, it’s important.

It’s about something invisible that truly touches all our lives.

It’s all around us.

Yet quite often, we do not notice it enough.

Or only when it disappears.

When it’s too late.

It’s a very unique place.

A place where everyone is welcome.

No matter the team you support or the clothes you wear.

A place where you can speak freely without going to jail.

A place where you don’t die for a strand of hair.

A place where the future isn’t in only one man’s hands.

Where you can kiss whoever you want.

Where we can feel safe and take care of each other.

And where our kids would want to live too.

A place where we unite against adversity and decide on our future together.

It’s a precious place.

It’s called democracy.

Together, let’s keep it strong.

Join for democracy.

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