Ovo su naše priče

U cijeloj Europi članovi naše zajednice zajednoza.eu pokazuju svoj angažman tako što organiziraju događanja i aktivnosti te u njima sudjeluju. Neki raspravljaju o budućnosti Europe, dok drugi stječu nove vještine. Na taj način ostavljaju svoj trag, kao što su ta iskustva ostavila trag na njima. Ovo su njihove priče.


Priče aktivista mreže zajednoza.eu: NJEMAČKA – Paula

Na nama je da se naš glas čuje na izborima!

Pročitajte cijelu priču About Priče aktivista mreže zajednoza.eu: NJEMAČKA – Paula

Prikaz 9 od ukupno 32 iskustava

Priče aktivista mreže zajednoza.eu:AUSTRIJA – Dave

EU je razlog zašto sam danas osoba koja jesam. Rođen sam u Nizozemskoj, odrastao sam u Austriji i bio sam na razmjeni u okviru programa Erasmus+ u Litvi. Zbog toga sam potpuno svjestan pozitivnih učinaka suradnje među različitim državama.

Zajednoza.eu – glavni junaci promjena:MALTA – Cherise and David

Ja sam Cherise i trenutačno sam potpredsjednica malteškog Nacionalnog vijeća mladih, a moj kolega David direktor je za građanski angažman.

Priče aktivista mreže zajednoza.eu:HRVATSKA – Nino

Biti europski građanin sa sobom nosi i odgovornost. Europski identitet smatram dijelom svojeg cjelokupnog identiteta i zato osjećam potrebu i odgovornost njegovati ga i djelovati u skladu s njime. 

Top-notch together.eu volunteer:

I have had the privilege of being involved in EU projects before, and it made me feel very privileged. For this reason, I felt motivated to share this privilege with others and together.eu was the perfect way to do so, which to me means knowing and being a part of the European institutions.

Top together.eu change-maker story:
SLOVAKIA – Dominik

My name is Dominik and I am 23 years old. I study European Studies and International Relations at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences at Comenius University in Bratislava. In my free time, I mostly carry out volunteer work for the European Parliament Office in Slovakia and work at the Institute for Central Europe.

Top together.eu change-maker story:
MADRID - Alejandra

I consider it a great privilege to uphold and promote European values. For this reason, I always take advantage of the avenues for citizen participation offered by the European Parliament.

Top together.eu change-maker story:
MADRID – Elena

I was a medical student when I first started to pay attention to the concept of the ‘European Union’. I saw a small (almost illegible) plaque in a hospital that read, ‘co-founded by the European Union’. I was shocked by how little knowledge I had of the EU. I became slightly worried that if I, a university student with top grades, did not know about the institutions and how the decisions taken in Parliament affected my daily life, a less privileged citizen (with no access to university) would probably know even less. Unfortunately, I was not wrong.

Top together.eu change-maker story:
ROMANIA – Gabriel

What inspired me to join the community was my involvement in various Erasmus projects.

Top together.eu change-maker story:

In 2023, I began my journey with together.eu, alongside the organisation I work with, called Formation et Sensibilisation Luxembourg – FSL.