Prijavite se za dobivanje podsjetnika za glasanje na europskim izborima.

Podsjeti me da glasam!

Pridružite se našoj zajednici i pomozite nam u promicanju europskih izbora.

Pridružite se zajednici zajednoza.eu
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together.eu is a pan-European community encouraging everybody to participate in democracy.

People, civil society and other multiplier organisations unite on this platform to take action towards a brighter future in the European Union. Together, we can communicate Europe better and encourage more people to be active citizens in their communities and across Europe.

Zašto se prijaviti?

  • Postanite komunikacijski partner Europskog parlamenta.
  • Predstavite svoja događanja i inicijative europskim građanima i organizacijama!
  • Be part of exclusive events and trainings dedicated to partner organisations
  • Stay up to date with the Parliament's news and campaigns that you can join

Ako se vaša organizacija još ne nalazi na popisu organizacija, javite nam se na sljedeće adrese:

ep-partners@europarl.europa.eu (for pan-EU organisations)
art@europarl.europa.eu (for pan-EU cultural organisations)
youth@europarl.europa.eu (for youth pan-EU organisations)

We will be happy to add the name of your organisation as soon as possible, so that you can complete your registration as communication partner.

Subscription, step 1 of 3.
  • Registracija