30 Years of European Union Citizenship and Beyond

ECIT’s 8th Annual Conference on European Citizenship

November 1st will mark the 30th anniversary of the entry into force of the Maastricht Treaty which created Union Citizenship. This is an opportunity to think about the meaning of European Citizenship, what it has achieved so far, where it is today, and its future prospects. Celebrating an anniversary means standing back, reflecting, and debating new ideas. It is a chance for academics, civil society activists, and policymakers to think beyond their immediate interests and concerns. How did Union Citizenship come about? What has been the track record? A public relations exercise or the first post-national citizenship of the modern era? There has been extensive case law in the European Court and updated legislation to strengthen European rights to freedom of movement in the areas of residence rights, access to social security, and recognition of qualifications. Yet many barriers still remain especially for job seekers, minorities, and low-income groups. This is a free and hybrid event with about 50 participants on the spot being joined online by remote participants throughout the day and for particular sessions. Please find more information on our website and don't forget to register: https://shorturl.at/vQ047 We are partners with and supported by NOTE (Network of Organisations and Towns for the European elections) project, MobileCIT, and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation.

© ECIT Foundation
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