EP Election Event Invitaion

четвъртък 7 декември 2023 г. 18:30 ч. 21:00 ч.

In the upcoming 2024 European Parliament elections, an important direction for future European Union politics will be determined. Including and engaging the wider public on EU matters is essential when it comes to enhancing voter turnout and a functioning democracy.

Therefore, UPF Lund, Europe Direct Lund, and the European Parliament Office in Sweden invite you to a joint event on the upcoming European Parliament elections in 2024 on

December 7th, 2023 from 18:30 to 21:00
Café Athens
AF Borgen
Sandgatan 2, 22350 Lund (Sweden)

With the event, we hope to increase the knowledge of European Union elections to a broader audience as well as to reach first time voters. Throughout the night, there will be a quiz, mingling and networking opportunities, and panel discussions on the following topics in relation to EU politics with speakers from EU politics, academia, companies, NGOs and the media.

★ Sustainability
★ AI and New Technologies
★ EU Management and Enlargement
★ EU quiz with a prize to the winner
★ Food and refreshments will be provided

Sign up now to join the event!